When you're basically unemployed (I work some shifts at my local pub so there is some income), time becomes a plentiful commodity. You can get all your shit done and do it all in your PJs or underwear- maybe even naked if you're that way inclined. All that free time means you are left alone with your thoughts, and sometimes your mind does begin to wonder.
It turns out that my brain landed on one hell of a conclusion. My trusty thinking organ decided that it would be a grand idea to do some sort of challenge. A 100 km walking challenge to be exact. From London to Brighton. Thanks brain.
You said it, mate |
Now I like a good physical challenge; I do class myself as a fitness freak, and I'm proud of it of course! After spending the last four or five years losing weight and building muscle, I have fallen in love with my new healthy lifestyle, whether that's through sweating my balls off or cooking up a lovely healthy meal.
Salmon and eggs are a beautiful combo |
I've always thought about doing a challenge, as I would have a definite goal to work towards rather than just to stay fit. With all of this apparent free time I have now, it appears that fate has reared its head and given me the chance to do that challenge.
But then my brain had another thought, and it certainly was an intriguing one. 'How can we make this harder? What fresh hell can we put the body through?'. Well the London 2 Brighton website did not fail to disappoint, as you had the option to do the whole thing in one go. No sleep, no impromptu breaks for a Costa or a Subway (if there are any on the route). I'm not sure whether I will be able to survive.
This is how I stay alive |
So it turns out my brain is sadistic, but I'm excited to be doing this challenge. I do love a nice long walk, and to be able to walk through rolling landscapes in May sounds wonderful. Well, to me it does.
Of course, it does mean that training needs to be done, which isn't the end of the world. There will need to be some night walking and plenty of leg days (the best part of exercise). Having the challenge as a goal will help to keep me motivated, and will certainly get me back up onto my feet as the sweat pours down my brow and tears fill my eyes. How can something that's so good for your health be such a bitch?
A selfie in the gym... I'm sorry |
Not to worry though, because doing a challenge like this means that I can raise some money for charity. I will be raising money for Battersea Dogs and Cats Home, as they do so much to keep our furry friends happy. There are some right arseholes out there who neglect their animals and subject them to a terrible life. It's always comforting to know that there are people out there willing to make a difference.
Love your animals kids |
This is going to be a massive challenge for me, and not just in the physical sense. Time will have to be given to raising money, and I will need to have a nice long think about how I can reach my goal. Keep an eye out on social media, as that will be where I will announce what kind of antics I will be doing to reach my goal of £430. Just as a small spoiler, my hair might go through some drastic changes. If you know me well enough, I treasure my hair.
I have dabbled with dyes before |
But seriously, I'm really excited to be undertaking the London 2 Brighton Challenge. For me, this would prove how much work I've put in to improve my health ever since I left college. Not to get all sentimental or anything, but to see how far I've come will always be a positive boost for me. All those nice compliments from friends and family help as well.
If you feel like this is a cause you can get behind, then follow this here link.
It would mean a lot to me, and to all those lovely cats and dogs out there who need a new home. Do your bit!
You heard the man |
Ben G xo 😁
P.S. I was at Ash Manor this week for school experience. Mr Goscomb has returned.
I'm ready for a career of History and suits |
P.P.S. Guess who managed to pick up their first injury of the season? Nice little abrasion on my arm.
Hello A & E, it's been too long |
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