Well well well, look who decided to write another blog post. It's me by the way, if you weren't entirely sure. That's ok, we all make mistakes and it would be rude to chastise someone for such a marginal error. There are some real nasty people out there. They just need to chill out; do some yoga or something like that. Helps with flexibility and breathing patterns- I honestly recommend it, really loosens up those tight muscles.
Wait, why am I here again? Oh yeh, I'm doing the bloggings. Right, let's go!
Fasten your figurative seat belts ladies and gentlemen because election day is coming up fast. That's right, all those posts on social media by people who once in a blue moon decide that they know everything about politics will be all gone soon. Yep, no more articles about Jeremy Corbyn being a potentially bad Prime Minister because he once farted in the House of Commons and blamed it on Winston Churchill, or how Theresa May is getting rid of free school lunches for primary school children to free up the budget and commission a statue of her and Donald Trump waltzing. It's like clockwork really. I feel that my day isn't complete without certain people doing an election type post. You know who you are. 😏
'But Ben!' cries the average Internet user, 'This is a post on social media about the election, which is written by you. Not only are you a hypocrite, but you're also shamelessly self promoting yourself. You are the very definition of villainy!' I understand your concern fair Internet goer, but I'm not here to discuss the political climate of this country or any other. Not today at least. As a great man once said, 'Now is not the time for fear. That comes later'.
Today I'm writing about elections in general and why I find them so exciting. Wow when I say that out loud I realise that I should really get a girlfriend... anyway, I love elections! The data from all of the opinion polls, the plethora of signs and banners outside of houses; mix in some scandal, sledging and the odd debate here and there and you have yourself a delicious blend of electiony goodness. I'm salivating just thinking about it, or I might just be thinking about my breakfast. You know what, here's a picture.
But enough of that. Back to elections and why they're great. Basically, I have always been interested in keeping up with all the latest news and every so often an election comes about that threatens to totally uproot the international community and begin a new age of darkness. I'm not saying that I'm sadistic and enjoy this potential damning of the human race, I am just interested in what the candidates are standing for and why the issues are important. Bear in mind that I don't keep tabs on every single piece of worldwide election news, it would be far too tiring. Imagine having to stay up until 3 in the morning just to hear the results of the Eastern Nairobi by-election, although if you were an African News Correspondent for the BBC I'm sure you are that one unlucky person.
Nope, when a major election comes about I eagerly fire up the laptop and do some reading- and there's a fair bit of that I can tell you. Essentially I dive down the rabbit hole and piece together who the major players are and why they are determined to enact their policies. Sometimes they care a lot about immigration, maybe cutting the gender wage gap (sorry if I triggered anyone there) or even building up the armed forces just in case their neighbours get bored of diplomatic niceties. Once their policies are known it's time for the best bit- the history stuff.
By researching the history of a certain country about to go to the polls, you can begin to understand why these issues are important. For example, naval policy has always been crucial in British history (we are an island nation after all) and a strong navy helped us create a bloody good empire. With trade routes protected by numerous fleets and squadrons, the money and resources could keep on flowing and the British Empire could grow and be pretty great, apart from the slavery, denial of basic human rights to indigenous peoples and a few genocides. This pride in British history means that the more nationalist minded voters would react negatively to proposed budget cuts in the Royal Navy since it's an institution that saw Britain become a global power. Sorry, all this history has made me a bit light headed, give me a minute...
OK, all good. Essentially, people care about some topics more than others due to various factors like age, their job and even their social class. A young person from a poorer background might support free university education in order to improve their job prospects (that poor innocent child, he has no idea), while an older member of the middle class would rather have immigration cut down dramatically since they feel their way of life is threatened. Someone's livelihood can be heavily changed just because one person gets more ticks by their name.
A task so simple has the power to change everything- just look at the fallout from the EU Referendum vote. David Hameron (there's some political satire right there) resigned, Brussels got real angry and all the young voters silently plotted to enact their revenge on the older generation. Hell, even the Presidential election in the US last year made the whole world lose their minds because a reality TV star with some real big ideas managed to defeat a former First Lady. Whatever happens in the next few years during the Trump Presidency will impact the globe for many years to come, and all because on one day more people thought he would be better than Hilary.
So what's the lesson here? At the end of the day, the one thing we can all do, if you are of age and have actually registered, is to go out and vote. There's no point loudly debating the burning topics of the day just to stay at home on June 8th because you can't be arsed to vote or you reckon that your vote won't matter. Trust me, it does. We have a right to vote, ensured to us by the sacrifices of past generations so just do it. I don't want to get all preachy but when so many people lay down their lives just to uphold democracy and you think your time would be better suited to stay inside and do sweet fuck all then you need to get some better priorities. I love spending time inside, but the future of the country is on the line. Duty should win every time. Get down to the polling station in your PJs if you have to.
I don't care who you vote for, just do it. However, if you are going to spoil your ballot since you have no faith in anyone, please don't draw a fallice. Try and be a bit more witty- draw a picture of Boris Johnson on a zip wire or write another candidate below the others. Harambe got some votes in the US election, maybe vote for David Attenborough or another British icon. Vote for me if you want, I'm sure I can convince my mum to do it.
Right, my fingers are tired now and I want to spend some time looking at election memes. Oh yeh, that's another thing I like about elections, especially in more modern times- the memes. In years to come memes can easily be used as sources when doing an election case study so I might as well start my research now. I will leave you all with my favourite picture from the unsung heroes of the 2015 election... the Milifandom.
Take care everyone, and don't forget to vote!
Ben G xo (see, I said I would find a way to end these blogs) 😀
Wait, why am I here again? Oh yeh, I'm doing the bloggings. Right, let's go!
Labour campaigning in South West Surrey |
'But Ben!' cries the average Internet user, 'This is a post on social media about the election, which is written by you. Not only are you a hypocrite, but you're also shamelessly self promoting yourself. You are the very definition of villainy!' I understand your concern fair Internet goer, but I'm not here to discuss the political climate of this country or any other. Not today at least. As a great man once said, 'Now is not the time for fear. That comes later'.
Today I'm writing about elections in general and why I find them so exciting. Wow when I say that out loud I realise that I should really get a girlfriend... anyway, I love elections! The data from all of the opinion polls, the plethora of signs and banners outside of houses; mix in some scandal, sledging and the odd debate here and there and you have yourself a delicious blend of electiony goodness. I'm salivating just thinking about it, or I might just be thinking about my breakfast. You know what, here's a picture.
Ben the Chef (or trashy white girl for sharing a picture of food) |
Nope, when a major election comes about I eagerly fire up the laptop and do some reading- and there's a fair bit of that I can tell you. Essentially I dive down the rabbit hole and piece together who the major players are and why they are determined to enact their policies. Sometimes they care a lot about immigration, maybe cutting the gender wage gap (sorry if I triggered anyone there) or even building up the armed forces just in case their neighbours get bored of diplomatic niceties. Once their policies are known it's time for the best bit- the history stuff.
By researching the history of a certain country about to go to the polls, you can begin to understand why these issues are important. For example, naval policy has always been crucial in British history (we are an island nation after all) and a strong navy helped us create a bloody good empire. With trade routes protected by numerous fleets and squadrons, the money and resources could keep on flowing and the British Empire could grow and be pretty great, apart from the slavery, denial of basic human rights to indigenous peoples and a few genocides. This pride in British history means that the more nationalist minded voters would react negatively to proposed budget cuts in the Royal Navy since it's an institution that saw Britain become a global power. Sorry, all this history has made me a bit light headed, give me a minute...
OK, all good. Essentially, people care about some topics more than others due to various factors like age, their job and even their social class. A young person from a poorer background might support free university education in order to improve their job prospects (that poor innocent child, he has no idea), while an older member of the middle class would rather have immigration cut down dramatically since they feel their way of life is threatened. Someone's livelihood can be heavily changed just because one person gets more ticks by their name.
A task so simple has the power to change everything- just look at the fallout from the EU Referendum vote. David Hameron (there's some political satire right there) resigned, Brussels got real angry and all the young voters silently plotted to enact their revenge on the older generation. Hell, even the Presidential election in the US last year made the whole world lose their minds because a reality TV star with some real big ideas managed to defeat a former First Lady. Whatever happens in the next few years during the Trump Presidency will impact the globe for many years to come, and all because on one day more people thought he would be better than Hilary.
So what's the lesson here? At the end of the day, the one thing we can all do, if you are of age and have actually registered, is to go out and vote. There's no point loudly debating the burning topics of the day just to stay at home on June 8th because you can't be arsed to vote or you reckon that your vote won't matter. Trust me, it does. We have a right to vote, ensured to us by the sacrifices of past generations so just do it. I don't want to get all preachy but when so many people lay down their lives just to uphold democracy and you think your time would be better suited to stay inside and do sweet fuck all then you need to get some better priorities. I love spending time inside, but the future of the country is on the line. Duty should win every time. Get down to the polling station in your PJs if you have to.
I don't care who you vote for, just do it. However, if you are going to spoil your ballot since you have no faith in anyone, please don't draw a fallice. Try and be a bit more witty- draw a picture of Boris Johnson on a zip wire or write another candidate below the others. Harambe got some votes in the US election, maybe vote for David Attenborough or another British icon. Vote for me if you want, I'm sure I can convince my mum to do it.
Right, my fingers are tired now and I want to spend some time looking at election memes. Oh yeh, that's another thing I like about elections, especially in more modern times- the memes. In years to come memes can easily be used as sources when doing an election case study so I might as well start my research now. I will leave you all with my favourite picture from the unsung heroes of the 2015 election... the Milifandom.
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A man for all seasons |
Ben G xo (see, I said I would find a way to end these blogs) 😀
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