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Attack on my body

It would be so easy and predictable to talk about the aftermath of the election, and there is a lot of temptation to dabble in this topic. But that's all everyone wants to talk about on blogs and in articles- there needs to be some sort of variety.

I love a good election (as last week proved; here's a link if you missed it but I need a break from politics for a while. All this talk about hung parliaments, the DUP and the hilarious demise of UKIP has worn me out. I will say that it was awesome that youth turnout was high, really shows the difference it can make.

Instead, I'm gonna talk about something else that wore me out.

That's right kids, I've reached the point in my short blogging career that I can go on about exercise and how lovely it is. 'But Ben!' exclaims the now slightly annoying Internet user, 'Exercise isn't lovely, you become a sweaty mess. Also, healthy habits is the other major player in Internet media, there's no variety here'. Yes yes, I know, everyone goes on about their all kale diet or how doing 10 minutes of cardio everyday grants you the ability to look into the future, I'm well aware of this. Yet this week is all about discovery, exploration and the defence of my manhood.

Over the last few years I have become a much healthier person. The independence of university life (besides relying on government/parental loans) allowed me to find a new passion in looking after my health. This led me to participating in group exercise classes at the Bourne Tennis Club, which I loved. They were fun, the people I met were wonderful and I always looked forward to them.

Sadly, Fiona the crazy northern fitness lady has gone to France, meaning that I have been left to fend for myself in this brutal world of physical fitness. I have a good bit of knowledge, don't get me wrong, but I need structure, direction, motivation. In short, I needed a new class.

It was at this realisation that I made the choice to book a place in a BODYATTACK class at Surrey Sports Park. I had heard of Les Mills and his exercise empire, and the time had come to face this seemingly unstoppable worldwide fitness machine.

Basically, BODYATTACK is 11 different rounds of exercise set to 11 different tracks; lots of cardio, plenty of bodyweight resistance portions, a hell of a workout. I was ready to do battle with this attack on my body, yet the first attack was on my nerves. Finding a place to park without incurring a sizeable fine was the first obstacle, yet I leapt over it with the gracefulness of a gazelle.

I walked into Studio B with confidence, although this was a good 20 minutes after I arrived. My desire to be an explorer meant I wanted to find all the secrets that this complex held, which is the diplomatic way of saying that I was lost. I am gonna say though that Surrey Sports Park is pretty cool (not being paid to say this) and, through my thorough exploration, it can satisfy all your fitness needs.

Having arrived in the studio I waited for further instructions, but then after standing around for 10 minutes or so something dawned on me... I was the only man there. A lonely male in a female sea- it was all very daunting. Had I made a mistake? Was this only for women? Had the countless years of glass ceilings and gender repression led to the women of Britain forming their own exclusive exercise programmes?
The look of a terrified man

My manly pride was at stake. I felt like everyone else was silently judging me as I stood there in my orange vest and bright pink socks (don't worry, I looked fabulous). But I would not be scared off- I would stay strong. I strolled up to the instructor and told her that I was new to the world of Les Mills. She told me to keep moving and enjoy it. I would not let her down.

To cut a long story short, it was mad. Limbs flew over the place, multiple squats were done and the brutality of tricep pushups were thrust upon me. I freakin' loved it. Myself and all these women had worked hard, our choreography was more or less on point and I could go home to my dinner of turkey, eggs and rice with joy in my heart.

But it just wasn't the same as the classes I had done beforehand. I felt well worked but that comradery wasn't there. I was a stranger but the fact that nobody talked to each other before the class started was strange. Surely they know at least one other person there? In all honesty that was the most daunting thing about the class. In my old classes I could chat away with the others and we could all have a laugh. This BODYATTACK class just felt way too serious.

Exercise needs to be fun to keep you motivated. It needs to be looked forward to rather than being seen as a chore. To see the results of all of your hard work and painful efforts is an awesome feeling. This keeps you going, but it can never run your life. Do it for the fun of it, rather than the sake of it. That's coming from personal experience, but more on that later. 😉

I loved this class, and I hope I have the time to do this class again or something just like it. This will require a lot more exploration and determination. Reminds me of a quote from James Cook (he's the bloke that found Australia); 'ambition leads me not only farther than any other man has been before me, but as far as I think it possible for man to go'.

Nice ending that is, but I will leave off with this beautiful election meme. Wonder if I could write something about the story of the election through memes...

Ben G xo 😁

(P.S. Sorry the last one was so long, I got a bit carried away!)


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