As it comes up to the 1 month anniversary of me deciding it would be a great idea to start a blog, I thought a lot about anniversaries this week. For all you History nerds out there, June 22 is a super important one, and if you don't know why then please hand in your History membership card and go join another nerdy order. I have no time to deal with this insolence. June 22 1941 saw the start of the German invasion of the Soviet Union with the launching of Operation Barbarossa, unleashing what can only be described as a shit storm. To cut a long story short (which sucks since I wrote my dissertation on this), the Nazis were doing alright, it got cold, the Soviets got bored of losing so became super aggressive and fought back. I would mention multiple factors like Adolf Hitler's leadership, Yugoslavia, spy networks, tactics, logistics, propaganda and pissed off partisans in stalling the German war machine but I'm tired and there is much to talk about. 'The head-on ...
The ramblings of a young man who has no idea how to adult.