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The 100th Post: The End of 'Absolute Shambles'

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Another 'Week in History': 3 June- 9 June

'Your task will not be an easy one. Your enemy is well trained, well equipped and battle-hardened. He will fight savagely... I have full confidence in your courage, devotion to duty and skill in battle. We will accept nothing less than full victory! Good luck! And let us all beseech the blessing of Almighty God upon this great and noble undertaking'- Dwight D. Eisenhower, in an address to the Allied Expeditionary Force, 2 June 1944 Absolute Shambles  has reached its penultimate post. Much like the premiership of Theresa May , the end to this turbulent and embarrassing time in history is coming to an end. The very small but loyal following (please make yourself known) are probably sobbing uncontrollably and are disturbing anyone who comes across them as they spill their tears on the floor while huddled in a ball. For everyone else, the closing of the blog is likely met with reactions such as 'Who the hell cares?', 'Ben had a blog?' and 'Finally, more focus ...

Hands up if you want to be Prime Minister

'You mustn't expect prime ministers to enjoy themselves. If they do, they mustn't show it- the population would be horrified'- Edward Heath (Prime Minister 1970-1974), 1976 Humans are awfully violent creatures. A quick scan through the epic saga that is our species' history reveals how brutal some people can be. Warfare, betrayals, general instances of being a complete bastard; yep, human history has it all! Even though we have become more 'civilised' as we straightened ourselves out, mastered the whole walking on two legs business and constructed society, that predatory instinct has stayed with us to this day. We don't have to hunt for our food thanks to supermarkets, but we keep our targets in our sights. Whenever weakness is detected, out springs that side of humanity that got us through some rocky times with all those dinosaurs and other big beasties stomping about. In this world of smart phones, Fortnite and all that, humans are still very much c...

The final punch in the stomach from 'Game of Thrones'

AVAST! THERE BE SPOILERS AHEAD FOR A LOT OF SHOWS! SO, IF YOU ARE MAKING YOUR WAY THROUGH: GAME OF THRONES  SEINFELD HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER  DEXTER LOST PARKS AND RECREATION M*A*S*H  FRIENDS  COMMUNITY THEN RUN AWAY AND COME BACK ONCE YOU ARE DOWN WITH A LARGE BINGE SESSION 'If you think this has a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention'- Ramsay Bolton to Theon Greyjoy, Season 6 Episode 3 ('The Climb') of Game of Thrones , 5 May 2013 20 May was a special day. Excitement was at astronomical levels as the calendar crept towards this seemingly uninteresting period in the month of May. As the sun rose and the alarm loudly blared that it was time to get out of bed, it was as if it was Christmas. Springing into action, changing into exercise gear with a bright smile beaming in the early morning light. But there was plenty of caution to be taken. Instinctively, Jen the Samsung S8 is brought back to life every morning as she connects ...