AVAST! THERE BE SPOILERS AHEAD FOR A LOT OF SHOWS! SO, IF YOU ARE MAKING YOUR WAY THROUGH: GAME OF THRONES SEINFELD HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER DEXTER LOST PARKS AND RECREATION M*A*S*H FRIENDS COMMUNITY THEN RUN AWAY AND COME BACK ONCE YOU ARE DOWN WITH A LARGE BINGE SESSION 'If you think this has a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention'- Ramsay Bolton to Theon Greyjoy, Season 6 Episode 3 ('The Climb') of Game of Thrones , 5 May 2013 20 May was a special day. Excitement was at astronomical levels as the calendar crept towards this seemingly uninteresting period in the month of May. As the sun rose and the alarm loudly blared that it was time to get out of bed, it was as if it was Christmas. Springing into action, changing into exercise gear with a bright smile beaming in the early morning light. But there was plenty of caution to be taken. Instinctively, Jen the Samsung S8 is brought back to life every morning as she connects ...
The ramblings of a young man who has no idea how to adult.