Besides the increasing number of candles on my birthday cake, I know that I am growing older as I publicly express my distaste for the youth of today. I roll my eyes when they play their 'sick beats' and how they've been on an all kale diet since they were able to walk. Actually, I quite like kale- but my point still stands; the young members of our society are annoying as fuck.
What makes me mad nowadays is who kids see as role models. Football players are still a firm favourite, as are musicians and other successful entertainers, but it's their high roller lifestyle that entices the youth of today. The Internet has now opened up a new category of potential role models called 'Internet personalities', especially those on YouTube, as they publish videos highlighting their lives. Today, it's all about Logan Paul and the videos that have been published in the last few weeks.
He has a punchable face |
So this Logan Paul guy has recently been to Japan, and caused a little bit of controversy. Logan, who constantly vlogs about his 'baller' life, published videos of him finding a dead body in a forest famed for suicide, throwing Pokemon balls at various people and even shoving seafood in unsuspecting faces. Although Logan was adamant that he had to 'respect' the culture, he decided to do... well... all of that. I guess I really am getting old, since this doesn't sound very entertaining or funny to me.
My guess is that this is what Logan Paul defines Japanese culture to be; Pokemon, fish and a country with a high rate of suicide. I doubt the man decided to study the culture of Japan, so just acted like a dumb American tourist and went along with his primitive assumption. Not only is this negatively stereotyping the Japanese, but also reaffirms this stereotype amongst his numerous viewers- who are impressionable young people.
Logan, having found a dead body, then 'lightened' the mood with jokes about suicide |
The guy is an arsehole. I've watched some of his videos and it makes me mad that kids have decided to follow this guy across all the forms of social media and have an interest in his life. My guess is that because Logan Paul makes a living from vlogging, then kids imagine themselves in his shoes. They believe that they can be like Logan Paul, and rake in a decent income by talking about their breakfast and why 'Donald Trump is whack, yo'. Kids still talk like that, right? Probably.
It's a shame, really. There are some better YouTubers out there who are actually talented or do something good. Over the Christmas period, the Yogscast held their annual 'Jingle Jam' live stream, and raised $5.2 million for charities that included Save the Children and Grand Appeal. They didn't get much media attention though, since Logan Paul had taken a steamy shit in front of Emperor Akihito. Also, the Game Grumps are insanely talented and are genuinely nice, funny people with a very lovely fan base (I know, I'm part of it). But kids don't care about them; their lives are boring compared to Logan Paul's fun vlogger life.
Full of feels |
So what can we do with Logan Paul? Not much, I'm afraid. He has gained more views and subscribers since the Japan vlogs were put onto YouTube, and the company wouldn't dare shut down a channel that made them so much money. Even though Logan Paul's channel has been taken out of Google preferred (where ads are played on the most popular YouTube channels), he still remains YouTube royalty. It's the same with someone like PewDiePie. The Swede has been involved with some racial controversies, but his Internet presence is so powerful that it would cause an outrage amongst the prepubescent members of society. The power is very much in their hands.
From what I gather, there has been a petition circling to get Logan Paul off of YouTube, but that won't go anywhere. Again, he makes YouTube too much money, and the majority of petitions nowadays just fall on deaf ears. Remember that petition to get Parliament to open up discussions on doing another European Union referendum? Yeh, that went well. I mean, good for those that believed that they could make a difference, but no one is gonna listen. Sorry.
Even clever puns can stop Brexit |
What makes the whole Logan Paul situation even worse is that his fan base ('Logang') are defending the actions of their hero. It appears that the army of Logangers (I presume that is the plural of Logang) are unclear over what is funny/ not funny, or even what is appropriate or not. The fact that they will comment on any kind of video or article criticising Logan Paul and call the author a 'butt fucker' or a 'douchebag' certainly shows that their debating skills are not quite up to scratch yet.
They assume that his critics, or 'haters', are just jealous of a lifestyle they deem as desirable. To make videos about their lives, and live in Los Angeles or high rise flat in New York, seems so easy and straight forward. Sadly, half these vloggers have some very rich parents so already have a good headstart in life. But if they want to go out there and make a name on the Internet, nothing should stop them. They just actually need to be interesting.
Wow, what an interesting guy |
These kids will hopefully soon realise that their role model is actually not a great guy, and will move on to emulate people who have actually made a name for themselves in the real world. Pick someone cool like Bernie Sanders, the weed smoking liberal who is so good damn adorable that it makes me mad that he isn't President. Seriously, the man speaks so much sense that it just continues to drain my hope that humanity can be redeemed. Sorry, this isn't about Bernie, we are talking about Logan Paul.
Oh look, another man crush |
What I'm trying to explain here is that this guy is some sort of sociopath, and kids shouldn't be defending his actions. For kids to see their 'hero' roaming a foreign country and terrorising people, they assume that this is the way for them to become Internet famous. Yes, you would get plenty of attention if you publish videos like these on the Internet, but not for the right reasons. If you are actually an interesting person, then you wouldn't need to act like a twat to get people to listen to you.
Hopefully 'Logang' will come to their senses and realise that Logan Paul's Japanese adventure just isn't funny, and is just a publicity stunt to get some media traction and play the victim. Yep, a rich white guy is certainly the most likely to be victimised by society. Get off your high horse, put down your video camera and do something better with your life. Ben out. *mic drop*
I wish I was this cool |
Ben G 😁 xo
P.S. I'm getting through so many Netflix series at the moment it's ridiculous. I binged through
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt in no time at all- no regrets, Ellie Kemper is beautiful.
But she's no Bernie Sanders though... |
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