As it comes up to the 1 month anniversary of me deciding it would be a great idea to start a blog, I thought a lot about anniversaries this week. For all you History nerds out there, June 22 is a super important one, and if you don't know why then please hand in your History membership card and go join another nerdy order. I have no time to deal with this insolence.
June 22 1941 saw the start of the German invasion of the Soviet Union with the launching of Operation Barbarossa, unleashing what can only be described as a shit storm. To cut a long story short (which sucks since I wrote my dissertation on this), the Nazis were doing alright, it got cold, the Soviets got bored of losing so became super aggressive and fought back. I would mention multiple factors like Adolf Hitler's leadership, Yugoslavia, spy networks, tactics, logistics, propaganda and pissed off partisans in stalling the German war machine but I'm tired and there is much to talk about.
So how did these two extremist powers get to this point? Why did Hitler think invading his magnificently moustached neighbour Joseph Stalin was such a good idea? Seriously, no one can conquer Russia... unless you're the Mongols. That's a reference- if you got it then congrats! If not, watch Crash Course World History on the Internet and you will understand.
This series of events began in the aftermath of World War One when the Germans lost and had to sign the Treaty of Versailles. They had to pay reparations, get rid of their armed forces and take responsibility for starting the whole mess. Germany, in Layman's terms, went fucking ballistic, and it got worse as the economy collapsed by 1929. Things were looking bleak. Who would save this broken power? If you said some Austrian bloke who had dyed toothbrush bristles glued to his lip, then you're right.
Mr Hitler said that he would get Germany back on track. Everything was going to be wunderbar since Germany were gonna get big again. They would hit the gym and get gains in their economy, armed forces and national prestige. No skipping out any muscle groups, Germany would be ripped. This testosterone charged nation would invade the USSR, obtain lebensraum (living space), unite the Volkdeutsche (ethnic Germans) and kill off the Untermensch (sub humans). For the German people, this sounded like a great idea.
To quote my dissertation, 'ideology sent the Germans eastward on 22 June 1941,
and by May 1945 the hammer and sickle would fly over the Berlin skyline. The
seemingly inferior Soviets would march victoriously through the streets of the
Aryan master race.' Germany would be split in two and become the new battleground in the intricate duel between capitalism and communism i.e. the Cold War. Not exactly what the German people had in mind when the Nazis came to power.
The Nazis masterfully took advantage of Germany's situation in the years after WW1. They promised the German population the world, and indoctrinated them through fear and propaganda. Only when war reached the German homeland that the bubble popped and everyone realised that they might have made a tiny mistake in getting on board with Hitler and his far right cronies.
It is here that I finally reach the point of this post. The political savvy amongst you would realise that June 23 is also an important anniversary, as it would be a whole year since the EU Referendum. That's right, over a year ago the country decided to leave the EU and break free of the evil European superstate. Let us rejoice in our freedom!
We all remember the arguments of both sides, and Leave (somehow) was the winner. Talk of limiting immigration, saving British industry and putting money into the NHS rather than into the pockets of Brussels won the day. Mr Cameron lost his job, Nigel Farage was pleased with himself and I would have to put my plans of moving to somewhere in Northern Europe on hold. For the Leave supporters, everything seemed wonderful. For the Remainers, we would have to bite the bullet.
One year on and it turns out there is no extra money to put in the NHS, Theresa May blew the Conservative majority and Brexit negotiations are progressing slower than a snail towing Buckingham Palace. It's been a hell of a year.
I'm not directly comparing the rise of Nazism to Britain's choice to leave the EU. I didn't like the outcome of the referendum but I'm not that cynical. My point is that by saying the right thing at the right time gets the people on side. People had concerns over Britain's sovereignty in Europe, and leaving the EU seemed like the way to go. Nobody would know this is how things would play out, but that's life.
It happened in 2010 as well. Nick Clegg got the youth on side in when he promised dropping tuition fees, which got him the cushy job as Deputy Prime Minister in a cosy coalition with the Tories. That didn't happen, so everyone got angry at the Liberal Democrats and by 2017 Cleggy had lost his seat and is now in the political wilderness. Some say he's still in the pocket of David Cameron.
Oh go on then, let's mention the Donald. He wants to 'Make America Great Again' in a world where American global influence is starting to falter. It's early days in his Presidency but IMHO I think his aspirations will fall a bit short, especially with all this impeachment talk. There's a better chance of me reaching Mars before NASA or another space organisation in my home made spaceship. Not giving up hope though.
Politics is a scary game, yet it is one that can be played well if you say the right buzzwords. If you make a complicated problem sound simple then people will listen. The voting population aren't stupid- we just don't have the time or the patience to listen to politicians droning on and on. We want solutions we can digest easily so we can form our opinions, vote and then get on with our lives. Easy.
Just a word to the wise though; if anyone starts campaigning for a stronger Britain and long term goals of reclaiming France and removing certain 'undesirables' then it might be best to ignore them. Would be cool to take France back though...
Ben G xo 😁
P.S. The title quote is from George Orwell. I would love to take credit for saying something like that but I have no time for a lawsuit
June 22 1941 saw the start of the German invasion of the Soviet Union with the launching of Operation Barbarossa, unleashing what can only be described as a shit storm. To cut a long story short (which sucks since I wrote my dissertation on this), the Nazis were doing alright, it got cold, the Soviets got bored of losing so became super aggressive and fought back. I would mention multiple factors like Adolf Hitler's leadership, Yugoslavia, spy networks, tactics, logistics, propaganda and pissed off partisans in stalling the German war machine but I'm tired and there is much to talk about.
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'The head-on crash of the two greatest armies, the two most absolute systems in the world'- Alan Clark |
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Please sponsor me Crash Course, I need money |
Mr Hitler said that he would get Germany back on track. Everything was going to be wunderbar since Germany were gonna get big again. They would hit the gym and get gains in their economy, armed forces and national prestige. No skipping out any muscle groups, Germany would be ripped. This testosterone charged nation would invade the USSR, obtain lebensraum (living space), unite the Volkdeutsche (ethnic Germans) and kill off the Untermensch (sub humans). For the German people, this sounded like a great idea.
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Fair to say that the Nazis had some support |
The Nazis masterfully took advantage of Germany's situation in the years after WW1. They promised the German population the world, and indoctrinated them through fear and propaganda. Only when war reached the German homeland that the bubble popped and everyone realised that they might have made a tiny mistake in getting on board with Hitler and his far right cronies.
It is here that I finally reach the point of this post. The political savvy amongst you would realise that June 23 is also an important anniversary, as it would be a whole year since the EU Referendum. That's right, over a year ago the country decided to leave the EU and break free of the evil European superstate. Let us rejoice in our freedom!
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Once again, memes sum it all up so perfectly |
One year on and it turns out there is no extra money to put in the NHS, Theresa May blew the Conservative majority and Brexit negotiations are progressing slower than a snail towing Buckingham Palace. It's been a hell of a year.
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Um |
It happened in 2010 as well. Nick Clegg got the youth on side in when he promised dropping tuition fees, which got him the cushy job as Deputy Prime Minister in a cosy coalition with the Tories. That didn't happen, so everyone got angry at the Liberal Democrats and by 2017 Cleggy had lost his seat and is now in the political wilderness. Some say he's still in the pocket of David Cameron.
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Look, there he is |
Politics is a scary game, yet it is one that can be played well if you say the right buzzwords. If you make a complicated problem sound simple then people will listen. The voting population aren't stupid- we just don't have the time or the patience to listen to politicians droning on and on. We want solutions we can digest easily so we can form our opinions, vote and then get on with our lives. Easy.
Just a word to the wise though; if anyone starts campaigning for a stronger Britain and long term goals of reclaiming France and removing certain 'undesirables' then it might be best to ignore them. Would be cool to take France back though...
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Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more |
Ben G xo 😁
P.S. The title quote is from George Orwell. I would love to take credit for saying something like that but I have no time for a lawsuit
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