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The First Step on a Potentially Short Journey

To start a blog, in my own opinion, is a very brave thing to do nowadays. The Internet is a big place- like super big. It makes Russia look like a sesame seed, or some other small object that seems very insignificant. Indeed, starting a blog means that the blogger has convinced themselves that their life and opinions are worth writing about. They're putting themselves up to abuse just because they believe that a woman should be President or that Game of Thrones is better than Breaking Bad. It all seems like a pointless risk in my opinion.

'But Ben!' I hear you cry, 'You have a blog! Surely you have now made yourself vulnerable to the seemingly endless torment of the humble Internet user'. Why yes, you are correct. There is a chance that whatever I write on here will lead to a variety of consequences, such as some harsh comments or my house being pelted with eggs. But I don't think my life is interesting, or that my opinions have the power to sway the masses into a frenzy that eventually sees me installed as the totalitarian dictator of a socialist British state. Nope, I'm doing this because I'm bored and I like to write.

I thought the title 'Absolute Shambles' suited my blog pretty well, as not only will this very blog turn into a shambles soon but it is also a fitting term to describe the life of a graduate who is patiently waiting for someone to reply to one of the numerous job applications given out over the last two or three weeks. When you're juggling the anxiety of a potential job interview, the life of a greenkeeper and the somewhat self imposed burden of exercise and dieting, it is easy to see that a shambolic disaster is on the horizon. But that's the adult life I guess, we all have to suffer through it at some point. Although the prospect of staying wrapped up in my duvet with a pack of Jaffa Cakes and Netflix does sound like a pretty good life...

So I guess the point of this blog is for me to write about something that crosses my mind and hopefully grabs the attention of anyone who can be arsed to read this. I will probably end up talking about health, politics, TV, all that typical bullshit that bloggers write about nowadays. But if they can get loads of people to read their stuff then that must be the best way to go about it.

If you have got this far, then I tip my hat to you, and if I ever post anything again then you should come back and read some more. I need to feed my ego somehow. 

That's it I guess. How do you sign off on a blog? Do I do the whole 'xoxo Gossip Girl' thing or should I say something witty to leave the people wanting more? I don't know! A nice friendly goodbye should suffice. Maybe a smiley face as well, that would be a nice touch. I'm sure I will work something out over time.

Goodbye, see you soon :)
Deep in thought about what the hell to right


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